
Why IV drip for dehydration at home?

Your body will be quickly rehydrated with the help of an IV drip for dehydration at home. Whether you’re working out, spending time in the sun, or recovering from an illness, maintaining an adequate level of hydration is critical to the optimal functioning of your body. The majority of the time, all you need to do to rehydrate your body is grab a glass of water and drink it.

However, in certain cases where dehydration is severe or you require faster rehydration, an IV drip for dehydration at home can provide a convenient and effective solution. How much should you aim to consume in a single 24-hour period?

  • Men should drink about 3.7 liters (15.5 cups) each day.
  • About 2.7 liters (11.5 cups) are recommended for females.

Due to the fact that a person’s age, level of activity, or medical conditions may require additional fluids, these levels are meant to serve as a general guideline. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, persons who have chronic illnesses, and professional athletes may need to drink more water than the recommendations given above suggest they should.
Dehydration can also be caused by acute infections, such as the common cold or the flu. Not only can illness place additional demands on your body, but it can also make it difficult to maintain enough hydration, especially if you’re experiencing nausea or sleeping more than you normally would.
In such cases, an IV drip for dehydration at home can offer a convenient and effective solution to replenish your body’s fluid levels.

Why not just drink some water to replenish your body rather than getting an IV drip for dehydration? Normal water does not contain any electrolytes, which are minerals that are essential to maintaining normal bodily function and are absent from plain water.
Electrolytes are constantly being flushed out of your body, but this process is accelerated during times of high physical activity. Because your body does not create electrolytes on its own, it is necessary to obtain these minerals from outside sources such as food, drinks, dietary supplements, or intravenous hydration in order to maintain proper electrolyte balance.
Getting an IV drip for dehydration at home is an easy to ensure you are hydrated and getting the essential electrolytes to maintain health and performance.

iv fluids for dehydration

There are observable signs of dehydration that you can look out for. Dehydration occurs when fluids are lost from the body at a faster pace than they are replaced. When you’re sick, energetic, or just plain busy, it’s simple to let yourself become dehydrated. How can you tell if you are beginning to become dehydrated? The following are some of the signs of dehydration:

  • Sleeplessness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Lightheadedness
  • Uncertainty in thinking 
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Urine that has a dark yellow color
  • Fatigue

Your body’s fluid equilibrium can be promptly restored with an IV drip for dehydration in situations in which you are severely dehydrated, such as after a particularly strenuous workout, when you have an illness, or when you have been drinking. You will feel instantly and noticeably more hydrated after receiving our in home IV for dehydration, which contains a mixture of saline solution and electrolytes. The duration of our treatment typically ranges from thirty to sixty minutes. For a level of convenience that cannot be matched, we will bring your appointment right to you.

According to some estimates, approximately 75 percent of Americans are suffering from chronic dehydration. You can feel more refreshed and replenished by drinking water, but it won’t assist as much as intravenous (IV) hydration therapy.

saline iv drip at home

Call Mobile IV Medics for a speedy intravenous infusion of whatever it is that you require the most when dehydration has caused you to feel parched, exhausted, and ill. In a little under an hour, we’ll have you feeling significantly better and ready to get on with your day.

At Westside Wellness, our goal is to make it as simple as possible for you to receive treatments of the highest caliber and carry on with the rest of your life. It only takes a few minutes to schedule an appointment online, and then one of our Registered Nurses will be on their way to give an experience that is soothing, rejuvenating, and pleasant.

Hydration can be achieved more quickly by receiving an IV drip for dehydration at home as opposed to drinking water. This is due to the fact that the saltwater hydration is being absorbed directly into the bloodstream. If your dehydration is causing headaches and weariness, you probably already know how important it is to drink as much water as you can as soon as you possibly can. You will almost immediately begin to feel the positive effects of the IV drip for dehydration at home. Internal and outward improvements, such as better focus, mental clarity, and concentration; improved mood and energy levels; clearer, luminous skin; additional padding between muscles and joints; improved endurance and cardiovascular health, will come to you over time.


Why use Vitamin Infusion Therapy for glowing skin?

Vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin harnesses anti-aging properties more effectively. Researchers discovered that a variety of vitamins and antioxidant nutrients improve the appearance of the skin. These nutrients aid in the reduction of free radical damage. Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that can harm healthy skin cells. As a result, a patient can achieve not only aesthetic skin enhancement but also skin health improvement with vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin.

Westside Wellness nurses have experienced treatment providers who will tailor patient’s beauty IV therapy to their specific needs in order to achieve maximum effect. With vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin, you can revitalize your skin and achieve a radiant, healthy glow.

The benefit of vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin is that the patient can benefit from the powerful anti-aging benefits of a potent combination of vitamins and nutrients delivered directly to the bloodstream. The same nutrients delivered through the normal digestive system will not produce the desired results. Our skin, as soft and smooth as it is, is armor – the protective layer we are born with to keep the good in and the bad out. Every day, our skin fights against harmful bacteria, environmental toxins, and UV rays to keep us healthy and strong. And without the right nutrients and care, its battle scars will become visible. As part of vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin, one of our nurses may include a combination of the following ingredients to achieve a healthy, radiant skin appearance:

Vitamin C which is known to be an essential component in the biosynthesis of collagen.

Collagen is a connective tissue that helps to support the skin structure and gives it a tight, elastic appearance. High doses of vitamin C delivered intravenously can improve skin elasticity and natural radiance.

vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin

Biotin, also known as vitamin H, aids the body’s conversion of food into energy. Biotin improves the health of the skin, hair, eyes, and nervous system. Biotin inclusion in a beauty IV drip may have both cosmetic and therapeutic benefits.

Coenzyme 10 (CoQ10) is an important antioxidant that promotes basic cell function. This antioxidant declines with age and vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin can be used to restore its levels in the body for long-term skin benefits.

Glutathione, also known as the “mother of all antioxidants,” is a naturally occurring ingredient in the body that provides a variety of skin health and other benefits. Glutathione is also known to provide detoxification and improve the skin if delivered in the right quantities.

Vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin can be administered in about half an hour. Following treatment, patients can immediately resume their day-to-day activities. The dosage of vitamins and other nutrients will be carefully calculated to ensure that the results are safe and effective.

Beauty IV therapy can help to boost the body’s natural ability to fight off the signs of aging. Patients seeking vitamin infusion for skin at Westside Wellness can receive care either by coming into our office or having a nurse come to their home.

Many factors influence our such as stress, lack of sleep, hormones, and diet. Being deficient or dehydrated can show signs of aging. With beauty IV therapy you are getting the essential amino acids, biotin, glutathione, vitamin C, and proper hydration to have firm glowing skin. A lack in any of these nutrients or having stress can have your skin begging for help. Even with the healthiest diet, deficiencies abound due to nutrient loss during digestion and liver processing, which occurs even with the best oral supplements. This is why vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin is one of the most effective ways to replenish vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body. By bypassing the digestive system and delivering nutrients directly to the bloodstream, IVs provide nearly 100% bioavailability.

vitamin infusion therapy for glowing skin

Amino acids, including branch chain amino acids like leucine, can be administered in large quantities via a beauty IV drip, far exceeding the amount of any protein shake. Amino acids are excellent for hastening skin healing before, during, and after surgical and aesthetic procedures.

Proline is an important component of collagen and can aid in the repair of damaged skin. It is an osmoprotectant, which means it can stabilize proteins and cell membranes in skin cells when salt levels or temperatures in the body are unfavorable. Glycine is also required for collagen synthesis and liver detoxification pathways, which are required to relieve the burden of toxins from the skin as a key organ of elimination.

Toxins in your body, such as heavy metals, environmental carcinogens, chemicals, aerosols, and mold, can have a significant impact on liver function as well as other elimination organs, such as your skin. An increase in oxidative stress caused by lifestyle, diet, mood, and lack of sleep can hasten aging and increase the appearance of wrinkles, acne, and non-elastic skin.

In terms of anti-aging, glutathione is one of your body’s key oxidative stress regulators and has been shown to be lower in the red blood cells of the elderly compared to younger control subjects. Glutathione is poorly absorbed when taken orally, so IV therapy is preferable. Get your customized beauty IV therapy today at Westside Wellness!


Why use NAD+ IV Therapy Anti-Aging? 

NAD+ IV therapy anti-aging increases NAD+ levels, which affect energy levels, mood, athletic performance, cognitive function, and other factors. Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, or NAD, is a naturally occurring coenzyme molecule that has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-aging characteristics. NAD IV therapy anti-aging levels decrease with aging and accompanying indications of aging, which is why NAD IV therapy anti-aging, is so popular.

Some facts about NAD+

  • NADH is the reduced form of NAD, while NAD+ is the oxidized form (used in energy transfer) (involved in antioxidation).
  • Low cellular energy levels and cellular aging are correlated with low NAD levels.
  • NAD+ IV therapy is a restorative treatment that raises your body’s NAD levels, which can improve cellular energy and improve overall cellular performance.
  • Having enough NAD may help with weight management, raise energy levels, improve cognitive performance, help recover from hangovers, and help prevent diseases like Parkinson’s.
  • The duration of NAD IV therapy anti-aging sessions are three to four hours per treatment, spread out over a few weeks.

nad iv therapy anti aging

NAD+ is a coenzyme and its primary role is to help body enzymes carry out cellular processes including energy transfer, oxidation, and reduction of molecules, among others.

Why is NAD, in all of its forms, so vital to the body?

Your body has high levels of NAD when you are young. These high levels make sure that the body has little to no free radicals and that your cells have an adequate source of energy. NAD levels start to decline as you become older. Your cells have less energy available as a result, and there are more free radicals in your body. Your cells start to malfunction when this happens.
Aging refers to this dysfunction. This leads to the development of aging symptoms like decreased muscle function, impaired cognitive function, illnesses like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and others. Cognitive enhancement should be taken into account when trying to prevent or decrease the effects of aging.
The body’s high concentration of NAD, aided by NAD IV Therapy Anti-aging, aids in controlling impairments in cognitive function brought on by aging. This is why we have this powerful anti-aging IV drip, NAD IV Therapy Anti-aging, for those looking to reduce signs of aging physically and mentally.

Scientists have discovered that elevating the body’s NAD levels can lessen or even reverse the effects of aging. These effects could be the result of NAD’s ability to help your cells get back to the state they were in when you were a child. NAD can therefore slow down the biological clock in your cells. Age reversal caused by the NAD IV therapy anti-aging can improve mental and physical performance, brain health and function, mood, hangover recovery times, and help those drug rehabilitation programs.

You must replace your NAD levels as they decrease over time in order to keep your cells functioning at their peak levels. Although there are various ways to take an NAD+ supplement, NAD+ IV therapy for anti-aging is the most effective and efficient technique. Due to the physiological processing of the digestive system, oral NAD supplementation is less effective. The 100% bioavailability of the substance to your body is ensured by NAD+ IV therapy anti-aging, which delivers the chemical directly into your bloodstream.

nad iv therapy anti aging

Growing older naturally occurs as we age. Our hormone levels decrease as we age, and our tissues begin to lose their flexibility and vibrancy. However, as a result of our modern urban lifestyles, by the time people are in their 30s or 40s, their hormone levels have already started to fall. It is impossible to stop aging. However, aging in good health is feasible.

When we reach middle age, a large majority of us begin to question how to stop and reverse aging. For anti-aging, there are numerous cosmetic, surgical, and natural therapies. This anti-aging drip helps to naturally slow down the cellular aging process and offer the body a number of rejuvenating advantages.

When combined with a good diet, regular exercise, and detoxification, the NAD IV Therapy Anti-aging can help slow down premature aging, extending our lifespan.

NAD’s capacity to support cell defense, encourage DNA repairs, and maybe lengthen lifespan has been related by research. Since SIRTs (SIRT1-7) are connected to improved memory and cognitive function as well as protection from neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, NAD is necessary for the activation of these SIRTs in the brain. The protection of telomeres may also be aided by SIRT enzymes, according to research. Every time a cell divides, the telomeres become shorter until they eventually lose the ability to divide. Cells die in a process known as apoptosis when this occurs. The possibility of extending life and reducing aging is made possible by elevating NAD+ levels and SIRT1 activity.

The natural healing ability of your body is sped up by NAD IV therapy, which also replenishes NAD levels in your body. In NAD IV therapy, the saline solution is utilized to wash out the toxic accumulation and free radicals that cause premature skin aging.

Contact us to learn more about NAD IV therapy anti-aging today! Whether you want us to come to you or you want to come into our office, Westside Wellness can provide you with NAD+ IV therapy for anti-aging. We have all the necessary tools for the session so all you have to do is show up and relax.


Why is the Immune Booster IV Infusion Best for Immunity?

Our Immune Booster IV Infusion will help you if you’re feeling under the weather and low in energy. With the coming of colder months, we know it’s a time when cold and flus are on the rise. This is the time when it’s important do what you can to support your immune system the most. It can sometimes take more than taking vitamins to maintain consistent energy levels and a healthy immune system.

When we start feeling a bit under the weather, our energy starts to dip, and it requires more to fight off whatever sickness may be coming on. Simply flushing out toxins and maintaining healthy organ function requires a minimum amount of fluid intake for your body. This is where the Immune Booster IV Infusion comes in. 

When you have an illness, your body needs even more fluids in order to develop an efficient immune response and avoid becoming dehydrated. The Immune Booster IV infusion treatments supply your body with a unique combination of water, vitamins, and antioxidants that can assist in optimal operation of your immune system.

Because we bring treatments to you, there is no need to get out of bed when you are feeling under the weather. Having an illness places additional demands on your body, regardless of whether you have a common cold, the flu, or another medical condition. Because of this, your body requires a significantly higher quantity of vitamins and nutrients than it normally does in order to successfully combat the illness. Your levels of vitamins and antioxidants will increase after receiving the immune booster IV infusion, which will also assist in speeding up the recovery process.

Hydration is an important component of getting better from an illness; yet it is not always easy to drink a lot of fluids when you are sick, particularly if you are experiencing nausea. It is important to get the proper amount of fluids since it helps your body flush out toxins and thin mucus so that it is easier to cough up and restore fluids. With the help of immune booster IV infusion, you can ensure adequate hydration and boost your immune system to aid in the recovery process.

immune booster iv infusion

The IV immune boost treatment is a combination of intravenous (IV) fluids, vitamins, and antioxidants that work together to help put your immune system into high gear and get you feeling better as soon as possible. The energy boost that you will experience as a result of the intravenous drips is another wonderful benefit of receiving them. This IV energy drip gives you energy boost from vitamin B12 and vitamin B complex. 

Some people already have vitamin deficiencies, according to Dr. Chiti Parikh, co-founder of the Integrative Health and Wellbeing Program at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian Hospital.

She continues, “According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), around 10 percent of the population in the United States is deficient in several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, D, B6, B12, and iron, as a result of either an unhealthy diet or a lack of effective absorption.” “IV replenishment of these vitamins and minerals can speed up the rate at which the levels in the body are increased when certain conditions are present. As these inadequacies are remedied, a person may experience an increase in their energy level, a clearer state of mind, and a noticeable improvement in the texture of their skin and hair.

Our IV Immune Boost and Energy IV drip consists of administering a carefully compounded mixture of IV fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, and antioxidants to the patient in order to counteract the symptoms of exhaustion and low energy. The unique vitamins we have developed raise your energy levels while simultaneously fighting off or helping you recover from a sickness.

immune booster iv infusion

Why do we see a decline in our energy levels?

There are many reasons why we might have low energy. With so many of us having our days filled with obligations, responsibilities, and stressors it can be hard to maintain energy. Stressors alone from daily life can start to wear down our immune system and energy levels. A lack of energy and stress on our body can be brought on by a huge number of different things, and it’s typically the result of a number of different things working together.

Some of the reasons for low energy are as follows:
  • Insufficient amounts of B12
  • Anemia
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Certain ailments
  • Certain neurological diseases
  • Overexertion
  • Stress
  • Disorders related to the thyroid

An IV drip for energy and immunity can help protect our immune system while giving us an energy boost to help get us through our day. Many of us don’t have time or enjoy not feeling well and having low energy. It becomes challenging to maintain our peak physical condition in order to fulfill the tasks and requirements of our day. Help can be obtained by lowering stress levels, getting adequate sleep, eating healthily, and keeping yourself well-hydrated. Restoring depleted stores of critical vitamins through the use of intravenous vitamin therapy is another way to make you feel more energized. Try getting the immune booster IV infusion or IV drip for energy protect your immune system and enhance your energy levels today. 


What is the Best IV Fluid for Hangover?

If you want a fast, proven solution to a hangover, you need IV hydration therapy, and get the best IV Fluid for Hangover. Alcohol is a diuretic, and when consumed in excess it can lead to severe dehydration and cause hangovers. IV hydration therapy provides1000 mLsaline bags which are the equivalent of consuming 2.5 liters of water to help you fight the symptoms of dehydration. But a hangover IV drip isn’t just fluid; it contains specific fluids, vitamins and medicine to treat your symptoms of headaches, nausea, and heartburn. Instead of searching for the hair of the dog, why not try a real cure for what ails you.

Almost everyone has spoiled a morning by drinking too much the night before. A hangover can be caused by drinking too much alcohol , or by combining multiple different drinks. In either case, having a hangover is unpleasant, and most people want relief right away. In this case,  liquid iv for hangover is the Best IV Fluid for Hangover.

What is a Hangover?


A hangover isn’t just one problem; it is a series of symptoms all related to the effects of alcohol on your body, as well as dehydration. 

A hormone that aids the kidneys in absorbing water and eliminating waste products is released less frequently when alcohol is consumed. Dehydration brought on by drinking too much alcohol frequently causes excessive sweating. The partial constriction of blood vessels, which frequently comes along with a headache, has an adverse effect on your heart as well since your heart needs to work harder as a result.

Reduced Blood Sugar
Low blood sugar causes the weakness and dizziness that frequently follow excessive alcohol intake.

An Inflamed GI System
Acids within your gastrointestinal tract are typically released, resulting in abdominal discomfort, headaches, and nausea because your stomach lining and intestines are irritated and inflamed. IV hydration treatments are the answer for instantaneous pain relief brought on by dehydration from excessive drinking because you can’t turn the clock back.

Body pain
Alcohol breaks down in the body and releases toxins that prevent lactic acid from breaking down in the muscles. You can feel stiff and sore as a result.

Symptoms of Depression
Self-doubt and anxiety are two typical long-term adverse effects of binge drinking as alcohol is a depressive.

Withdrawal from alcohol
The time it takes for your brain to “adapt” to drinking alcohol is short. The moderate withdrawal symptoms of alcohol that your brain experiences up to 24 hours after you stop drinking include shaking and sweating.

Understand that these symptoms, for the most part, stem from the physical effects of alcohol on your body. Rehydration, particularly with IV therapy for hangover, can alleviate and lessen the effects.

How to Cure a Hangover?


While there is no such thing as an instant cure for a hangover, there are a number of ways to alleviate the symptoms and start your road to recovery. 

Because it prevents the hormone vasopressin, which causes the kidneys to produce less urine, from being released into the body, alcohol encourages urination. You can be even more dehydrated if your hangover causes vomiting, sweating, or diarrhea. Even a few sips of water may alleviate your hangover, despite the fact that nausea can make it difficult to swallow anything.

Eat some carbs
The exhaustion and headaches associated with a hangover could theoretically be caused in part by the brain working without enough of its primary fuel because drinking may drop blood sugar levels. Additionally, many drinkers neglect to eat, further reducing their blood sugar levels. Toast and juice are a gentle method to return levels to normal.

The headache and general aches and pains may be relieved by aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, other brands), and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs). However, NSAIDs may aggravate an already inflamed stomach brought on by alcohol. Take no acetaminophen (Tylenol). Alcohol may intensify the liver-damaging effects of acetaminophen if it is still present in your system.

Enjoy a Cup of Joe
As caffeine is a stimulant, it may aid with the grogginess even if it doesn’t have any special anti-hangover properties.

A recent study analyzed the diets for 24 hours prior to and following excessive drinking in The Journal of Clinical Medicine. The outcomes of the little study were based on the participants’ reports of their diets. However, they did discover that those with less severe hangovers consumed more foods and beverages high in zinc and B vitamins.

Of course, there is a one-stop solution to introduce many of these cures: IV Hydration for Hangovers!

Can IV therapy cure a hangover?


A 30- to 60-minute liquid IV for hangover treatment is a rapid and efficient way to deal with hangover symptoms. Our treatment replenishes vitamins depleted after a night of heavy drinking, aids in toxin removal, and moisturizes your body. Anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea drugs are included in our mix to help you feel better quickly.

And while IV hydration treatments have many advantages for your overall health, they are particularly effective for treating hangovers.

A Quick Recovery
You can easily utilize an IV Hydration Treatment to get quick relief rather than needing to sip on water all day to rehydrate.

Organic Pain Reliever
If you have a sensitive stomach, taking medication for your hangover pains may occasionally make it worse. We instead offer a natural substitute to all the agony associated with dehydration. Your heart should return to normal following treatment, alleviating you of physical discomfort and soothing your mind.

Do you need an IV hangover solution?

Are you ill or drunk? Do you need help getting in shape or recovering from a challenging workout? Or are you just trying to improve how you feel, look, or function? Then you should try the mobile home IV vitamin therapy from Westside Wellness!

Electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals are infused intravenously (IV) as part of hydration drip therapy. When given by IV infusion, nutrients and vitamins are completely absorbed by the body and made accessible to the cells, tissues, and organs. In contrast, only a portion of the vitamin dose given orally is absorbed by the body.

You can rehydrate while receiving vital vitamins that will help you in a number of ways via IV drip hydration therapy. IV vitamin therapy can help you lose weight, recover from a hangover, increase energy, and boost your immune system. Visit www.westsidewellness.com to learn more about the advantages of IV hydration therapy.


What are the Best IV Fluids for Dehydration?

IV hydration therapy is great for a post-workout boost, but where can you find the best fluids?

Your health, from cognitive functions to organ function, depends on adequate hydration. In order to replace fluids and prevent dehydration, IV therapy is the best solution. With IV hydration, you can replace any lost fluids, salts, or electrolytes. In fact, IV for dehydration is quickly becoming a go-to for many all around the world. So where can I get IV fluids for dehydration?

Dehydration can be brought on by a number of things, such as excessive perspiration, a lack of fluid intake, and conditions like gastroenteritis that produce diarrhea and vomiting, which in turn cause a rapid loss of fluid and electrolytes. Dehydration risk can also be increased by some medical diseases and drugs like diuretics, such as kidney or renal disease.

Although dehydration is a problem for everyone, hospitalization is more frequently required for severe instances in older adults and young children. Although headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, and low blood pressure are common symptoms of mild dehydration, other symptoms appear when the situation worsens.

Restoring the body’s appropriate balance of fluids, salts, and electrolytes is crucial after dehydration. Mobile IV therapy for rehydration can be a life-saver. 

How do you rehydrate?

The simplest way to stay hydrated and healthy is to drink water. Your habit of drinking water shouldn’t be replaced by an IV; rather, it should be just one more tool in your toolbox for better health! However, water alone won’t replenish what your body needs. It would be like using a single fluid in every part of your car; specific problems need specific solutions. Using the IV fluids for dehydration can accelerate your recovery time, and all you need to know is where to find it.

Nevertheless, there are a few advantages of IVs over water that make them more effective. First of all, they include additional components that are good for your health. These consist of the vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes your body requires to function at its peak. Your IV hydration therapy will restore those nutrients to your body and work to keep you as healthy as possible.

IV Fluids for Dehydration treatment also saturates your cells with water and nutrients. Due to the fact that the fluids don’t have to go through your digestive system, this results in a quicker response than merely drinking water. When you really need it, IVs can help you rehydrate rapidly; however, you should still drink a glass of water when you’re through.

Where can you get the right fluids for dehydration?

What are the right fluids for IV hydration? In rehydration treatment, the most common fluids needed are:

  •  Saline solution
  •  Dextrose

While the IV fluids and electrolytes in a dehydration treatment are ideal for getting you back on your feet, it can be advantageous to continue your IV therapy. Vitamins added to your IV may hasten your recovery and leave you feeling even better than before.

Your dehydration recovery could be accelerated if you supplement the regular IV fluids with vitamin B-12 and a mix of B vitamins 1-6. These vital vitamins increase your overall energy levels and combat the myriad additional signs and symptoms of dehydration.

IV hydration therapy uses 3 types of crystalloid solutions:

Half-normal saline, which contains 0.45% sodium chloride and 5% glucose, is the most used kind of hypotonic IV fluid. This kind is frequently used to treat metabolic acidosis, diabetic ketoacidosis, and dehydration caused by hypernatremia. Compared to blood plasma, hypotonic IV fluids include fewer solutes (substances that dissolve in another substance). That indicates that these solutions induce fluid to switch from extracellular fluid, which is present outside of your cells, to intracellular fluid (fluid found inside cell membranes).

These IV fluids have high solute concentrations (375 meq/L or more), which cause fluid to escape from cells and enter intravascular regions like your circulation. They are used to treat hyponatremia, a condition in which your body doesn’t have enough salt, and are typically made of 3% or 5% sodium chloride.

The most popular kind of IV fluid. Normal saline, 5% dextrose solutions dissolved in water, and Lactated Ringer’s solutions are examples of isotonic IV fluids. These are used to treat fluid loss from diarrhea and vomiting as well as electrolyte imbalance-related dehydration. The fluids have a similar solute concentration to blood and have an electrolyte content of about 310 meq/L. This means that the fluid inside and outside of your cells will be equally inflated by this form of IV fluid.

IV fluids are used by medical professionals to treat dehydration because they effectively encourage fluid replenishment. They function quickly and provide your body exactly what it requires to control dehydration because they are designed to make up for any electrolyte shortages. IV fluids can target the underlying cause of dehydration by addressing fluid shortages, fluid balance, and electrolyte composition with various formulations.

Now you know where you can find the best IV fluids for rehydration…so what are you waiting for?

Try IV Hydration Therapy Today

Want to feel hydrated and refreshed? Want to try IV fluid for rehydration? Westside Wellness in Santa Monica offers mobile IV Therapy vitamin treatments performed by a registered nurse in the comfort of your own home. Westside Wellness IV vitamin drip infusions have essential electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals to help you feel better, look better and perform better!


How to Rehydrate After Vomiting and Diarrhea?

After consumption of alcohol, vomiting, and diarrhea, how long does it take to rehydrate after vomiting and diarrhea? What if you used IV hydration therapy to speed it up? Excessive loss of fluid isn’t just uncomfortable—it can be downright dangerous. How can you best recover after drinking too much alcohol, vomiting, or diarrhea? How long does it take to replenish those lost fluids? While there are numerous techniques for dealing with fluid loss, one of the absolute best is IV hydration therapy, and we’re going to talk about why. 

The body loses far more fluid after a protracted episode of diarrhea or vomiting than it can take in. Dehydration is the end outcome, which happens when your body lacks the fluid it requires to function properly. While these events are uncomfortable, prolonged dehydration can lead to more serious situations such as kidney failure. It is essential to rehydrate after vomiting to replenish the lost fluids and restore proper bodily functions.

In this article, we’ll see how IV hydration therapy can speed up your recovery from :

  • Consumption of Alcohol
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

You lose fluid quickly when you’re unwell with diarrhea or vomiting. Therefore, it’s crucial to ingest as much fluid as you can. Depending on how much water is being lost, you will need to replace an equal amount.

It can be challenging to keep fluids down if you’re queasy. Dr. Joshua Evans, an expert on dehydration and a physician at Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit, suggests “trying sipping little quantities of water as frequently as possible.” Drinking more liquids can be aided by sucking on ice or frozen Popsicles.

But according to Evans, “water alone doesn’t replace the critical salts that the body needs for fluid balance and other activities.” It’s imperative to replace these necessary minerals when experiencing diarrhea or vomiting. One method to consider is IV Hydration Therapy.

You’re losing more than just the contents in your stomach, so it is critical to rehydrate as soon as you can.

How to rehydrate after consuming too much alcohol

Alcohol, despite sometimes seeming refreshing at the moment, dehydrates you more than it helps. If you’re not balancing your consumption with a few glasses of water, you’ll find yourself in need of recovery. How should you rehydrate after vomiting, and how long does it take to rehydrate after drinking too many drinks? It is crucial to prioritize rehydration after vomiting excessive alcohol to replenish the lost fluids and restore proper bodily functions.

The process of administering fluids, nutrients, and medications directly into a person’s body through veins, typically in the arm, is referred to as IV therapy. In order to swiftly replenish lost nutrients and fluids in cases of severe dehydration, IV treatment is frequently employed.

IV therapy has a number of advantages over oral treatments for electrolyte replenishment. Compared to oral intake, IV treatment replenishes lost nutrients more quickly. Utilizing an IV also allows for more effective electrolyte delivery because you can modify the solution based on the patient’s specific needs. IV treatment also eliminates the possibility of consumed items being regurgitated if the patient experiences frequent vomiting.

One thing to consider is that IV therapy for moderate to severe dehydration is typically performed as an inpatient procedure, necessitating documentation completion and a stay in the clinic or hospital until a medical expert releases you. You could spend many hours on this process.

Thankfully, Westside Wellness eliminates a lot of the unfavorable risks associated with IV therapy. Upon scheduling, we’ll travel directly to your place, saving you the trouble of making an appointment to see a clinic. We can treat migraines and hangovers in addition to treating the symptoms of dehydration thanks to our flexible packages.

How to rehydrate after vomiting

Vomiting and diarrhea could be symptoms of numerous disorders. A bacterial infection, parasite, serious disease, or even a straightforward case of food poisoning might cause these symptoms. Prolonged vomiting and diarrhea both have the side effect of dehydrating the patient. When fluids in the body are lost and not restored, dehydration results. So how do you rehydrate after vomiting?

Treatment for dehydration typically requires intravenous administration of a saline solution containing sodium, carbohydrates like glucose or dextrose, and electrolytes like potassium. Crystalloid solutions, which facilitate water osmosis in your cells, are used to create IV solutions. Crystalloid solutions come in three different tonicities: hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic.

Utilizing mobile hydration therapy following a vomiting episode has a number of benefits, but the primary advantage is that you won’t trigger any additional issues with your stomach. Since the fluids are entering your bloodstream directly, you’ll have immediate relief from dehydration, which in turn could help with your nausea. 

How to rehydrate after Vomiting and Diarrhea

Diarrhea is an uncomfortable expulsion of bodily fluids, and can become serious if you aren’t replenishing fluids shortly after. So how can you rehydrate after diarrhea? 

Just as we discussed with vomiting, IV hydration therapy can be a simple and effective solution to dehydration due to diarrhea. Depending on the cause, drinking electrolyte beverages, consuming soft food, or even sipping water can trigger another bout. If you are suffering from food poisoning, this is especially true. That’s where IV therapy bypasses the issue and delivers fluids and vitamins where they are needed most. 

Try IV Hydration Therapy Today

If you need help recovering from illness, or just a few too many, we have the resources to get you where you want to go. Westside Wellness in Santa Monica offers mobile IV Therapy vitamin treatments performed by a registered nurse in the comfort of your own home. Westside Wellness IV vitamin drip infusions have essential electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals to help you feel better, look better and perform better!


How To Get IV Fluids At Home?

At home IV therapy isn’t limited to the ultra wealthy or those with serious medical needs. Learn about the benefits, and options, open to you. 

Whether you’re recovering from illness, dehydration, or need a boost after a strenuous workout, there are countless benefits to receiving IV fluids at home. Unlike sports drinks or vitamin supplements, intravenous fluids enter your body right at the source, delivering potent hydration and medicines directly into your bloodstream. Now, with mobile IV hydration therapy, you can enjoy a healthy treatment in your own home. 

IV therapy utilizes carefully prepared liquids injected into a vein by a registered nurse. They are applied to patients of all ages who are ill, hurt, becoming dehydrated from physical activity or the heat, or who are people having surgery and post-surgery. Rehydrating intravenously is a straightforward, typically risk-free treatment that is frequently used. Now, you can enjoy IV therapy at home. 

In this article, we’ll discuss:

What are IV Fluids?

The most typical IV fluids are crystalloid solutions. They contain tiny dissolved chemicals that are easily absorbed by tissues and cells from the bloodstream. Examples include D5W, which is dextrose (sugar) in water, and normal saline, which is salt in water. Lactated Ringer’s is another illustration, which includes salt, chloride, potassium, calcium, and lactate. It is employed for forceful fluid replacement.

Colloids are big molecules that are more likely to stay in the blood arteries since they can’t easily move through cell membranes. Hetastarch and albumin are two examples.

The equilibrium of the body’s levels of oxygen, fluid, and electrolytes is known as homeostasis.For you to feel your best and have a healthy body, homeostasis is required. 

But this equilibrium is precarious. Your levels can go off due to dehydration, illness, injury, or chronic medical issues. Your health can suffer as a result of electrolyte, fluid, or vitamin shortages, which can cause symptoms including weariness, nausea, brain fog, and more.

When this happens, IV treatment can help. The body receives the maximum quantity of the vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes that IV fluids contain in the bloodstream. Electrolytes maintain cellular osmosis to keep fluid moving in and out of cells in a balanced manner while replenishing bodily fluids, restoring nutritional levels, and maintaining cellular hydration. Your body will feel better and restore its vitality once IV therapy has helped it to achieve equilibrium.

How to get IV Fluids at home?

How would you like to get IV fluids in the comfort of your own home?

Only a few years ago, the only way to receive IV hydration therapy was to travel to a special clinic or a physician’s office. Now, registered nurses are able to drive to your home or business and deliver a curated IV solution wherever and whenever you need. 

In numerous Los Angeles-area cities, including Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, West Los Angeles, and many others, it’s not hard to find IV drip therapy. Because it is the simplest and quickest way to get electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals into your body to support optimal health, mobile at-home IV vitamin drip therapy is a rapidly growing treatment.

What are the different options for IV therapy at home?

At-home IV therapy is a simple, safe way to treat a variety of ailments while remaining in a comfortable and familiar environment. If you’re wondering how to get IV fluids at home, Santa Monica-based Westside Wellness provides mobile IV Therapy vitamin treatments in the convenience of your home with a trained nurse.
Electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals that are crucial for your health are included in Westside Wellness IV vitamin drip infusions. Whether you’re recovering from an illness, seeking hydration, or looking to boost your overall wellness, knowing how to get IV fluids at home can provide you with the necessary support and convenience.

Feel Better
Are you ill, drunk, exhausted, or under stress? You can currently receive mobile IV hydration and vitamin therapy in the convenience of your own home! A customized IV infusion of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals will be given to you by the mobile registered nurses at Westside Wellness to make you feel better. One of our trained nurses will visit your home to administer one of our IV vitamin drips when you use our mobile IV drip service in the Santa Monica and Los Angeles region. Schedule a visit for an IV vitamin treatment drip to get relief right away!

Look better
Want to obtain support for weight loss, minimize wrinkles, or reverse slow cellular aging? Get IV vitamin therapy right away in the comfort of your own home! A personalized IV treatment from Westside Wellness’ mobile registered nurses will restore your body with vitamins and minerals to make you look better.
Make an appointment right away to receive your IV infusion therapy and enhance your appearance! With our mobile IV drip service, our nurses come to your place and provide you with any of the IV hydration drips listed below in the Santa Monica and Los Angeles area.

Perform Better
Want to enhance your athletic ability or speed up your recovery after a challenging workout? You can currently receive mobile IV drip therapy in the convenience of your own home! To improve your performance, Westside Wellness mobile registered nurses will refresh your body with personalized IV therapy containing vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes.
Make an appointment right away to receive your IV therapy treatment and enhance your performance! With our mobile IV service, our nurses travel to your place and provide you with any of the IV hydration vitamin infusion drips below in the Santa Monica and Los Angeles area.


The day when IV therapy was only administered to hospital patients is long past.

These days, a lot of health-conscious people appreciate IV therapy as a way to acquire the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and even pharmaceuticals they require to feel better and keep their bodies in good working order. Your body receives nutrients straight into the bloodstream when you receive a vitamin infusion.  Bypassing the digestive system, which would ordinarily reduce the quantity of vitamins your body can absorb, is advantageous.  With drip hydration, nutrients are instantaneously available, allowing your body to absorb all that it requires before sending the remainder to your kidneys for elimination.

With so many varieties of vitamins and supplements available, IV therapy can provide a variety of health and wellness benefits, including but not limited to:

  1. Boosting your immune system
  2. Treating hangover symptoms
  3. Treating nutrient deficiencies
  4. Cleansing your body of toxins and free radicals
  5. Boosting your energy levels
  6. Easing anxiety and promoting relaxation

Let’s go over each of these advantages in more detail and give you the supplements that we recommend to our clients to assist them reach their specific wellness objectives.

  1. Strengthen your immune system with IV therapy

The body’s ability to maintain an ideal nutritional environment has a big impact on people’s health.  For your body to function at its best, you should adopt a healthy lifestyle, eat a food that is balanced, and take oral supplements.  Additionally, intravenous (IV) vitamin therapies are a powerful strategy to bolster your resistance to the signs and  symptoms of the flu and other diseases and viruses.  Through the direct delivery of all the vitamins and antioxidants your cells require, intravenous therapies can strengthen your immune system.

  • Providing the bloodstream with large concentrations of nutrients that are necessary for the formation and dispersion of white blood cells, such as vitamins C and E, glutathione, and others;
  • Ensuring rapid bioavailability and nearly 100% nutrient absorption for optimal organ performance;
  • Maintaining the ideal nutritional environment, which is essential for human health,
  • Increasing antioxidant levels and antioxidant defense to combat free radicals that weaken human function and cause cell damage,
  • Enabling the cleansing and elimination of harmful substances that can cause inflammation,
  • Providing rapid and efficient hydration to enable body cells carry the oxygen and prevent toxins build-up that harm the immune system. The gut houses 70% of the immune system.

2. Hangover Symptoms May Be Relieved by IV Therapy

In addition to being uncomfortable and inconvenient, hangovers are also linked to subpar work output and conflict at the office.

Fortunately, IV treatment swiftly alleviates typical hangover symptoms like:

  • Dehydration
  • Muscle aches or headaches
  • Lethargy or brain fog
  • Excessive thirst
  • Nausea or vomitingIV fluids that restore the water you lost from overindulging the previous night.  Additionally, they contain electrolytes, most frequently in the form of sodium chloride, which assist alleviate the effects of dehydration such as thirst, weariness, and vertigo.  To lessen the inflammation and weariness brought on by heavy drinking, most people additionally decide to take an anti-inflammatory or anti-nausea medicine. After only one hour after receiving IV therapy, many patients report feeling alleviation.

3. Certain Nutrient Deficiencies May Be Treated With IV Nutrient Therapy

Hospitals offer IV nutritional therapy to patients who are unable or too ill to consume food.  Additionally, it is a successful treatment for a number of illnesses that can lead to nutrient shortages, including Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, colon cancer, short bowel syndrome, and cystic fibrosis.  People with these illnesses frequently are unable to obtain the nutrients they require via oral supplements or their diets.  They gain from IV therapy since it completely avoids the digestive system and gives cells the nutrients they need right away.

4. IV Therapy Can Remove Unwanted Toxins and Free Radicals from Your Body

IV therapy can rid your body of toxins and free radicals that can harm cells and DNA and hasten aging in addition to treating hangovers and giving you vital nutrients.  The most well-liked IV therapeutic methods include: Since antioxidants regulate pollutants and free radicals, they include:

Vitamin C:  A crucial antioxidant that supports your immune system and overall health.  By scavenging free radicals before they may cause cell harm, it also assists in defending your body against these dangerous substances.

Glutathione:  Is another crucial antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress (free radicals) and has a wide range of additional health advantages.  It has showed promise in reducing the symptoms brought on by illnesses including Parkinson’s disease and fatty liver disease.  Infections may be fought off, and the liver may be cleared of undesirable poisons that could harm liver cells.

5. IV therapy can boost your energy levels

Additionally, IV vitamin therapy can provide your body a natural energy boost. The frequent consumption of coffee, soda, and other caffeinated beverages, which can otherwise overwhelm your body with needless sugar, can be replaced with nutrients like amino acids.

Amino acids, which are present in our IV infusions, work with the mitochondria on a cellular level to transform fatty acids in our bodies into energy.

6. IV Therapy Can Promote Relaxation & Help With Anxiety

IV treatment might make you feel more at ease in addition to giving you more energy. Magnesium sulfate is an electrolyte that lowers blood pressure and may also help you with your immune system, reduce anxiety, promote restful sleep, relax your muscles, and avoid migraines and headaches. Other non-IV uses of magnesium sulfate, including Epsom salt treatments, which similarly have soothing benefits, include.

Benefits of IV Therapy are Still Being Discovered

Many patients benefit from IV therapy, whether it’s by giving them the vital nutrients they require to survive, enhancing their quality of life by addressing symptoms like dehydration, or just making them feel better.  But what IV hydration can do for your body is so much more than what is on that list. We continue to learn more about the advantages of intravenous nutrition therapy for health and wellness even with modern medicine today.  If you’re curious about the benefits of IV hydration, have a look at all of our drips to discover which one could be best for you.


Westside Wellness | Medical Spa in Santa Monica

What Is a Day Spa, Exactly?

By 2020, the spa services industry is anticipated to be worth almost $155 billion.These establishments provide every type of treatment imaginable, from acupuncture to cosmetic rejuvenation.Relaxation, fitness, and detox are common elements at day spas.Their services are appealing to those who want to relax and feel better in general.Saunas, massage rooms, tai chi classes, nail stations, and other amenities are available as well.This type of business promotes overall health and does not employ a physician.As a result, they can only provide non-medical treatments like waxing and hot stone massages.Licensed therapists and other practitioners perform the procedures accessible at day spas.

What Is a Medical Spa and How Does It Work?

A medical spa, often known as a med spa, is a facility that offers treatments under the supervision of a doctor, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon. These facilities make use of cutting-edge medical and aesthetic technology, such as radiofrequency, lasers, and blue light treatment, among other things. Licensed health professionals perform the operations at the medical spa. Most Medical Spas, handle: RF micro needling, Lip augmentation, Acne treatments, IPL photofacial treatments, Hormone replacement therapy, and Skin tag removal are just a few services offered. These treatments are not available in a day spa. Medical spa treatments necessitate specific knowledge and a thorough understanding of human anatomy.

Which Is Better for You: A Day Spa or a Medical Spa?

When you want to relax, get a manicure, or use a sauna, a trip to a day spa may be just what you need.A medical spa, on the other hand, is a good place to go if you want more specialized treatments.Medical spa techniques have been clinically tested and have longer-lasting results.Some appeal to people who suffer from certain health issues including acne, obesity, or varicose veins.In addition, med spa operations are more targeted than those performed at a day spa.Consider your demands and make a decision now that you know the difference between a medical spa and a day spa.While visiting to a day spa has its benefits, med spa services are often safer and more effective.We have a comprehensive range of treatments for your face, skin, and body at Westside Wellness.Choose a date and time for your first visit, or get in touch with us to learn more!

What better way to unwind after a busy week than visiting a spa?Imagine receiving a full-body massage or a cutting-edge treatment that will help you look years younger!This raises the question of whether a day spa or a medical spa is better for you.What you’re looking for determines the response.Massages, mud wraps, manicures, and basic facials can all be found at a day spa.But medical spa treatments are more diverse and technologically advanced.Microneedling, VI peels, skin resurfacing, and other complicated procedures are available to clients.This, however, isn’t the only distinction between the two.Here’s all you need to know about day spas vs. medical spas so you can make the best decision.

What Is a Day Spa, Exactly?

By 2020, the spa services industry is anticipated to be worth almost $155 billion.These establishments provide every type of treatment imaginable, from acupuncture to cosmetic rejuvenation.Relaxation, fitness, and detox are common elements at day spas.Their services are appealing to those who want to relax and feel better in general.Saunas, massage rooms, tai chi classes, nail stations, and other amenities are available as well.This type of business promotes overall health and does not employ a physician.As a result, they can only provide non-medical treatments like waxing and hot stone massages.Licensed therapists and other practitioners perform the procedures accessible at day spas.

What Is a Medical Spa and How Does It Work?

A medical spa, often known as a med spa, is a facility that offers treatments under the supervision of a doctor, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon.These facilities make use of cutting-edge medical and aesthetic technology, such as radiofrequency, lasers, and blue light treatment, among other things.Licensed health professionals perform the operations at the medical spa. Most Medical Spas, handle:RF microneedling, Lip augmentation, Acne treatments, IPL PhotoFacial treatments, Hormone replacement therapy, Skin tag removal are just a few services offered.These treatments are not available in a day spa.Medical spa treatments necessitate specific knowledge and a thorough understanding of human anatomy.

Which Is Better for You: A Day Spa or a Medical Spa?

When you want to relax, get a manicure, or use a sauna, a trip to a day spa may be just what you need.A medical spa, on the other hand, is a good place to go if you want more specialized treatments.Medical spa techniques have been clinically tested and have longer-lasting results.Some appeal to people who suffer from certain health issues including acne, obesity, or varicose veins.In addition, med spa operations are more targeted than those performed at a day spa.Consider your demands and make a decision now that you know the difference between a medical spa and a day spa.While visiting to a day spa has its benefits, med spa services are often safer and more effective.We have a comprehensive range of treatments for your face, skin, and body at Westside Wellness.Choose a date and time for your first visit, or get in touch with us to learn more!